Teeth Whitening

Whiter teeth? Yes please!

We love having a beautiful, white smile. Where to look for safe and lasting teeth whitening than at Beach Street Centre?

Here our Dentists will examine your teeth before starting any tooth whitening treatment. The medical grade whitening gels are very powerful and may cause irreversible damage if not safely applied. These gels are only available from a reputable dentist, with lasting effects beyond the initial glow of a non-Dentist service.

Home Whitening

At Beach Street Centre, we recommend home whitening. Our Dentists will discuss which of the gels we stock are best suited for you, depending on your individual profile including how sensitive and how susceptible your teeth are.

Home whitening is a great, safe option in the comfort of your own bathroom. Once we’ve prepped you and explained how it all works, it’s over to you. Home whitening offers you:

  • Long-lasting effects
  • A gentle approach for reduced sensitivity and reduced nerve irritation
  • The ability to tailor the brightness of the whitening to suit your tastes
  • Custom made trays to ‘top-up’ your teeth before special events or whenever you feel like a brighten up
  • Quick results! See a difference in 2 weeks

02 6495 1097

Ring us for a dazzling smile!